ph: victoriahhhh
I always used to feel so incredibly strong. I knew I was fine on my own, that I could fix almost anything and even if there was something I couldn�t fix, I would always find a way. A solution. They call me wonderwoman, and I like it. I like being the one that helps everyone else, that solves their problems and shows them the good aspect in everything they�re currently going through.
And you, you are just like me. You�re superman. I always knew you helped all your friends through the hard times in their lives. I liked that about you. But the moment my heart skipped a beat was when you showed me your wounds and scars�when you told me the stories of how cruel some kids used to be to you when you were little. I had never seen that expression on your face, that seriousness in your eyes.
I think that was the moment I realized you were more than just the funny dude I loved to hang around with. And that day at the lakeside, when you talked about your ex and how she hurt you. There was the pain in your eyes again; flashing up for a second until you made it go away with your smile. The smile that warms my heart like no other.
I guess seeing your weaknesses and scars gave me the confidence to reveal my own ones to you�knowing you were just like me, I was no longer scared to be weak for once myself. And all the things that scared me before � the caressing, the way you have to let all your walls come down, the way you can no longer hide behind a mask when you fall in love � lost their ability to make me run away from people.
During the weeks we got closer I never wanted to run away as I usually did. I just wanted you around, I wanted to hold your big hands in mine and touch and remember each and every spot and scar on them. I wanted to get lost in your eyes and find every facette of smiles and frowns in them.
I don�t have to be superwoman around you. I can be the goofy, silly, crazy, weird, screwed and crippled and wounded me around you and you still think I�m the most gorgeous girl in the world. Even when I know I look horrible and when my hair is wet because we both forgot to take an umbrella when it was raining cats and dogs and I had to borrow some of your sisters clothes that don�t look good on me at all and my makeup is messed � even then I can tell from the looks you give me while having dinner with your crazy family that you love me and I love all the little things about you � that you keep a bible next to your bed and actually mark the sentences you like.
The evening your mom told me that I was something special to you � I can�t describe how that felt. I don�t find the right words to tell you how my heart stopped for more than just a moment and how my eyes got wet with tears of joy and how butterflies start flying in my tummy whenever I think of you, or hear your voice, or am around you.
The day we were at that party and secretly held hands underneath the table cause we still weren�t official though everyone knew what was going on between us and how you gently stroke my hand was one of the greatest days I�ve ever had.
The time we went to the cinema with my parents and had ice-cream at mcdonald�s after and I didn�t have to play a role made me realize how well you actually know me.
I�ll never forget the day I realized that I�d fallen in love with you after we had been friends for almost two years�that it had taken me two years to finally allow those feelings to take control over me�.
And what I love so much is that being in love with you doesn�t make me love crazy�it doesn�t make me go through the horrible ups and downs of the usual �love me, love me not�-game. There�s just that warm feeling, like a wave that goes through my body from head to toe when you�re near, and the confidence that I can rely on you no matter what happens.
By giving me the confidence to be weak around you you have made me feel more superwoman-like than any guy before you, and never have I felt such a strong love as I do for you.
Thank you for being my superman.
With all the love I have to give, S...
I wish all the le love readers that you�ll experience these feelings as well� there�s nothing more beautiful in the world, and you all deserve it.
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