ph: weheartit + Islam Zayed
I really don�t know what to do anymore.
I feel like shit for moving on, for meeting someone else.
I feel like shit knowing that you haven�t moved on,
I feel like shit knowing that your heartbreaking facebook status is about me.
It�s been over six months since we said goodbye to us, you and me.
But it�s only been about two months since we said goodbye for real, no friendship no nothing.
I know it was stupid of me, hanging around with you knowing that you still had those feelings, holding your hand when watching a movie and hugging you goodbye at night. I know I broke your heart and I�m really sorry for that. I know that no words will ever make up for that but I just want you to know that I�m so really sorry, from the bottom of my heart.
I know you�re still hurting really bad from things I�ve said and done and it�s making me sick. I can�t do anything to make you feel better, I�m only making everything worse just by writing this.
I hope one day you will meet someone who will give you everything I couldn�t.
I just want to be there for you, but I know I can�t.
I will see who dares to stand where I stood.
P.S. You were always on my mind.
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