
Monday 5 March 2012

it's still the beginning

ph: daylessday

It happened completely unexpected. I wasn't looking for anything, I was still stuck on the one who will be left nameless. Then you happened. We spoke briefly, laughed some, flirted a bit, and exchanged numbers. Five minutes after I left, I texted you asking if you saved it. I should have known instantly you were a sarcastic jokester from the start when you responded, who is this? Three days later, we went on our first date. It probably could have been the smoothest, easiest first day in history. You picked the restaurant, saying it was one of your favorites. I spent quite a good amount of my day at work googling it, happy to know something about you. The date went really very well. You ordered for us our appetizers, something I admired. I liked the fact that you not only took charge, but were adventurous with your eating. You exposed me to new things that night, bone marrow and octopus to be exact. Also, after taking several minutes to study the wine menu, you settled on an excellent bottle.

To go through all our dates now would take up quite some time. Instead, let me mention the moment when I knew I wanted you in my life. After having a wild weekend away with some of my girlfriends, I came home to reality. My voice was gone, my nose was running, and I had a cough. Even with all this, you still wanted to see me. So I invited you over. When I opened the door and saw you standing there, my heart skipped a beat. And, I melted when you handed me a box of cough drops wrapped with a pink bow.

The cute things continued to happen-- when you had dinner with my family and showed up with not only my favorite flowers but also two bottles of wine for my mom, when you went to the hospital with me to visit my sister who had just given birth and gave her flowers, and when you booked a surprise getaway to a city I had been dying to go to forever, Washington DC.

I may not particularly like your taste in music or movies and you may think I'm a dork for randomly saying quotes from Lord of The Rings and Gladiator. But I do like how I am the perfect height to fit under your arm and how you hold my hand as you drive. And especially how even after I've left, you'll text me saying you smiled because your bed smelt like me.

I know it's still the beginning-- and there may be rough times ahead, but all I know is these have been the greatest sixty days of my life. And I hope for many more. With you.

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