'I love you' is a phrase overused and easily misunderstood. Saying it is all too easy. I'd like to try 'I Thank You' instead. Here is my submission, at 4h29am. I've had no sleep.
You�ve combed my hair when it�s been all in knots; you�ve rubbed my feet when they�ve ached. When I�ve been distressed, or hurt, or disappointed in my friends and in myself, you have stayed on the line to comfort me. You�re never afraid of silences. When I hang up you wait a minute and call right back, without a word of resentment or criticism, just quiet understanding. It�s as if you can sense what I�m feeling and you know just when to call. The most extraordinary thing about you is that as much as I push you away in my spells of anger or distress, you�ll stay right there, unmoving. You�re so stubbornly devoted to me that I wish every day that I had the same patience, wisdom and integrity as you. Never a single grudge have you held. Not once. Not ever. I know I haven�t been easy, but you always help me come round. Sometimes I fear I have little to give you in return for your enduring kindness and love. I can be cold, distant, reactive. I know that you find my conflicted nature challenging, but you never give up on me, even long after I�ve decided to give up on myself. With gentle, firm words you tell me to snap out of it. That�s all I ever needed. Thank you. I don�t know what else to say.
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